On Rebellion

Steaming cup of hot water. Empty bowl of miso soup. How exciting is my life?

Yesterday I put on full body workout gear including sneakers (not fashion sneakers (so you know I really meant business)) but went to two supermarkets and Target instead.  I bought food at Trader Joe’s and more food at Whole Foods – normal – and the second I walked past the large red Target balls that switch was flicked in my brain.  Is it something in the air? I walked in for diaper pail bags and toothpaste and came out with a full cart including, and this is true,  16 sets of tiny ceramic creamer + sugar sets. Oh – it’ll be so cute for the kids to pour their own milk in the morning – give them a sense of accomplishment, etc. And then when they have friends over it’ll be cute to also give THEM a little jug from which to pour the milk for their cereal or the syrup for their waffle or whatever.  16 sets.

When I got home the baby was yelling in his crib.  He wasn’t crying or shrieking, simply yelling our nanny’s name over and over.  She told me he had just gone into his crib and was definitely tired after a long morning of playing with the sink, asking google to play youtube videos and climbing on any surface, preferably wobbly, with direct access to sharp objects or permanent markers. So I decided the gym was not in the cards, changed into my Mou boots, strapped the baby in the car and prepared myself for an hour and a half drive around scenic suburbia. I was halfway to the drive-thru Panera when I realized something – that morning I seriously and knowingly took a second cup of sample coffee from Trader Joe’s.  True. And as if that admission wasn’t lame enough – I felt a rush of exhilaration doing it.  I looked in the far and hidden corners of the ceiling and behind the various fruit stands for cameras or a team member who might have noticed but it seems I got away with it.

I am not a thrill-seeking person by nature.  I don’t like roller coasters (I was terrified on the Dumbo ride.  Last year.  When I was 32.) You would never see me near a bungee jump or sky dive. I don’t like airplanes or driving over bridges.  I won’t touch skis. I don’t do drugs (except for coffee.  So much coffee.) I have had a few moments of rebellion in my life but they were fleeting – spasms of defiance more than anything.  Studying abroad in Rome I ate ham.  I buy things at Bed and Bath without a coupon.  These are my kinds of rebellions.  And on an arctic Tuesday morning in January I felt I had really outdone myself when I poured that second demo cup.

On an unrelated note – have you ever found yourself reading a book out loud (in my case to my children) when suddenly you realize that you had read pages and pages without paying the slightest bit of attention?  Tonight I made it almost until the 4th minute of a 5 minute Minnie story when I realized that I had been having an entirely separate and distinct internal discussion. I have been trying to fine-tune an idea for a business that has been brewing in my brain for years. Today the lightbulb went off at exactly 9:47am.  I know this because at 9:48 I was calling my husband to tell him all about it. All day I have been completely distracted by this idea but at no point was I able to sit down and really give it my full attention.  Finally by 6pm, without having given my brain the opporutnity to process my thoughts, I found myself reading the words of a story to my children but not paying attention to a single one.  What part of my brain allowed me to do that? Was it my familiarity with the words of the story that allowed me to see and read a Minnie story while simultaneously asking and answering questions in my head about something so completley different?

And another thing.  Henry told me he’d like me to have a baby in my belly.  Why? I asked.  Because I like that.

And lastly, in more unrelated news, I started a new subscription box the first of which has not arrived yet but WAIT til you see what it is. Hint: it’s levio-sa.

Stay tuned!