Escape from momville

There are many types of mother. I am of the suburban, stay-at-home variety and I can only speak for myself but some days I just need to escape. Of course an extended getaway would be impossible and so I have to find little ways to get a little alone time. Here is a list of some of the places I’ve gone to have some me time:



Coffee shop

Bathroom (not always foolproof as any place within the four walls of the house is fair game to a child)


Those are my go-tos. Sadly, those places are dangerous places to be as every person with a wallet knows.  Even the bathroom because, let’s be honest, if i’m escaping into the bathroom for solitude I’m doing it with my phone and if I have my phone I’m either on Facebook or Amazon. Honestly, anywhere that sells things especially home things is a place I should not be left unattended.  A few weeks ago I went into HomeGoods to buy a birthday present and walked out with $100 in wrapping paper. Every Target experience is the same – go in with a small list (toothpaste, diapers, gallon sized ziploc bags) come out with something from literally every department because there’s never a wrong time to redecorate the powder room or stock up on crayons. At least when I go to Target I can feel good about myself for using the Cartwheel app and my red card. At least I know I’m getting a deal.  These days I can even feel good about myself at the mall because I earn rewards dollars at certain stores by shopping with my American Express.  (You earn the kind of dollars that only work when you spend even more dollars, but I’m willing to take any dollars someone is willing to give me for doing something I’d be doing anyway.)

Today I didn’t go to the mall and I didn’t go to Target (Well I did go to Target but mainly for a return and diapers. And boogie wipes, sippy cups, a diaper genie, wipes, puffs, and baby prunes.)  Today I decided to go to the little strip mall on Rt 10 with – brace yourselves – a Container Store, Shake Shack and drive-thru Starbucks.  Can you even?

I had two things on my list at the container store – a couple of stuffer things for my bags so they keep their shape and a few (3?) containers for the pantry to hold cereal or nuts or whatever.

And then I saw this display:


And so it came to pass that I walked up to the register with 11 containers for the pantry, 5 stuffer things, a bright pink plastic tote that I thought could be useful for holding files in my command center, a garment bag and two deluxe wedding dress garment bags. It’s a sickness. I literally cannot stop myself when I walk down the aisles of these places.  I was looking at the elfa closet systems despite not needing a closet system, a drawing table for the kids despite having 3 perfectly functional kid-sized tables downstairs, and pet food dispensers despite not having a pet. Everything is so attractively packaged and I’m just a sucker for good marketing. Yes, I buy books based on the cover, wine based on the label and just about anything with twine, burlap and a rustic font.

In the end, the wedding dress bags were a bit of a to-do because the system wouldn’t let the lady ring them up without entering a wedding registry code.  She had to call over a manager (who couldn’t help) and finally called the resource center.  15 minutes later I decided against spending $60 each (despite the fact that the dresses cost way more and it’s probably worth it to keep them in good condition…ah well, it’s always good to have a reason to go back…)



I had timed it all perfectly because I still had time to eat lunch before making my return at Target (factoring in the extra 30 minutes just for perusing the aisles ha ha) and picking up the boys. So I walked outside and actually, I’m ashamed to admit this but feel I must, drove my car over to the other side of the very small parking lot to this glorious structure:


I love this place.  There’s nothing to make a suburban stay-at-home mom feel like she’s still in her NYC glory days than a visit to Shake Shack.  Well anyway there’s nothing to make THIS suburban stay-at-home mom feel like she’s still in her NYC glory days because I spent my NYC glory days eating burgers and fries from Shake Shack. Anyway, this was my first time to this NJ location and I almost couldn’t contain my excitement when I walked in.  Grinning at the girl behind the counter I ordered a burger, fries, and why-the-hell-not-might-as-well-live-it-up a salted caramel milkshake.  (I go by the well-known rule that as long as you’re pregnant or breastfeeding you can eat literally all the food and you’re good.)

So I did.


And there you have it, folks.  That’s how I escaped today.  I had a lovely time buying things I wasn’t expecting and eating an entire meal without standing up to get someone seconds/milk/water/a napkin/that toy/fruit/dessert/more pasta or bending down to pick up some item the baby has thrown from his highchair.

What about you? Where do you go to escape?

Coming up…

Answers to your most pressing questions!


A typical day in the life of…