Seeing Stars

There are two kinds of car nappers – the kind that will sleep when the car is stopped and the kind that won’t sleep when the car is stopped. Currently parked in the driveway with #4 who is one of the first kind. He’s sleeping. I’m picking the pimples on my face.

It’s not my fault really. There are only a few things to do when your kid is sleeping in the car. Either you’re driving around in circles checking out the various neighborhoods near your house or near wherever the closest drive thru coffee place is or you’re on your phone or you’re looking at your face in the mirror. You’d clean th garbage but the crinkling receipts and empty water bottles would undoubtedly wake your child (who has the capability of sleeping through home construction) and anyway you don’t have a garbage bag. You’d read but your book is on your nightstand open to the same page it’s been on for three nights because bedtime is the only and worst time to get reading done.

For me being on the phone means taking pictures of myself. My husband made he mistake of telling me I looked like a movie star before I left the house so I decided to use portrait mode and see if I could capture the look:

Then I got bored and started including props:

Because sometimes I get it into my head that I can be one of those #liketoknowit girls or something. And I have fun pretending I’m someone who people who don’t me care about. And then I look at the pictures zoomed in and realize that portrait mode is unforgiving and my pores are very large.

Meanwhile the baby is still sleeping and I’ve had time to drive to try drive thru Starbucks, drink my entire almond milk latte, take dozens of narcissistic selfies AND write about it.

And so I’ll leave you to do whatever it is you’re doing on this Saturday afternoon and I’ll go back to taking pictures of myself making duck faces.