Goodbye Home

In the great red ranch there was a china cabinet

And Tanqueray

And a basement perfect for a holiday buffet

And there were bagels and lox and Lenox clocks

And a really old stove and a treasure trove

And space for a pool and vintage bar stools

And a mural and two cars and a well-stocked bar

And a Costco sized container of caviar

Goodbye ranch

Goodbye Seventy-Five

Goodbye to the place I learned to drive

Goodbye lox

Goodbye clocks

Goodbye old stove

Goodbye treasure trove

Goodbye shed and goodbye bed

Goodbye backyard

Goodbye books by the Bard

Goodbye mural and goodbye cars

Goodbye cedar closet

Goodbye well-stocked bar

And goodbye to the giant jar of caviar

Goodbye house

Goodbye deer and wood

Goodbye home of my childhood