Symmetry is overrated

Some days when the whole family is in the car and we’re driving somewhere and everyone is talking or requesting a song or singing a song or yelling and fighting to be heard or making noises or telling knock knock jokes or discussing the particulars of a session of Minecraft – when that happens I turn on my camera and take pictures of myself in portrait mode pretending I’m someone famous.  Every single time I think about smizing which means every single time I think about Tyra Banks. Think about that. I go for different themes – sometimes I try to channel an actress or model.  Today, without trying (no that’s a lie I definitely was trying) I managed to create several cover shots.  Here’s my National Geographic cover:

National Geographic Cover

Here’s my Alanis Morissette album cover:

Alanis Morissette Album Cover

And then I took a few others that were perfect examples of my facial asymmetry:

Assymetry One
Assymetry Two

And now hours later I’m using mirror image apps to figure out what my face would look like with two left sides or two right sides.  And now, because you’re wondering too, here you go:


This is a fun way to waste time.

I quickly skimmed an article that summarized a study (making good use of my psych degree!) about the face and the reactions that people have to people’s faces – whether they find the left side or the right side to be “better.” They say one side of the face (I’m not going to tell you which unless you ask) always tends to be the side that is rated as more attractive and that it may be because that side of the face is more emotive, more expressive.  Well.  What do you think they found? What do you think of my left and right sides? I’ll give you a second to take a selfie and determine your own best side (don’t forget if you take a selfie, the left side of your face will be on the right side of the picture and vice versa.  Does that make sense?)

Go ahead, I’ll wait…………








Well? Comment with results.  🙂

P.S. If I had to choose I do have a preference but I actually think I prefer my face as it is.  Anyone else?



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