Manners by Mama – Shopping cart etiquette

I like to think of myself as an easy-going kind of gal. I am accepting of all kinds of people. I tolerate all sorts of personality quirks and odd behaviors. But there is one thing I cannot tolerate:

What’s happening here?
This looks like a good place to leave my cart
The cart return right there on the other side of where I’m standing is SO far away

I’m especially intrigued by this last one. I just saw this in the Target parking lot today. Either the person had walked all the way over to the cart return but didn’t finish the job or was so lazy they couldn’t bring themselves to walk around and stick the cart in one of the two lanes.

I see this everywhere in every town at every establishment. Anywhere where there are carts and parking lots. Targets, Whole Foods, Trader Joes, Bed and Bath, Costco, Home Goods, to name but a few. And I understand there are some very compelling reasons not to bring your cart back to a cart return spot. Possibly it’s raining. Perhaps you have a child with you or multiple children. Maybe you are very old. I understand the desire – really. But leaving your cart in the middle of a parking lot is not okay. Sticking it between two spaces is not nice. Propping it up on the curb so that half of the cart sticks into a spot is lame. Not walking the extra two steps to put it back into the actual cart return and not just next to the cart return is lazy.

In my world of pet peeves this ranks up there with spitting in public, and coughing into your hand – things I consider to be especially egregious because instead of being a mild annoyance these are things that impact the general public. Someone won’t be able to park because your cart is in the way or your cart will be blown into someone’s car. Someone’s dog or stroller or shoe will step in your phlegm. Someone’s hand will touch the doorknob that your germy hand has touched. These things are not right. These things are bad. Please don’t do them.

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