Reviews on Tues: Trunk Club

I am in serious trouble. I enjoyed Stitch Fix. I thought it was entertaining to get a box of clothes in the mail. I basically liked the clothes that were sent to me and ended up keeping one shirt. Trunk Club is a whole new ballgame.

Trunk Club is a Nordstrom company so the clothes are all brands you would find at a Nordstrom store.  I love Nordstrom. When you sign up to receive a trunk you fill out a profile and take a quiz which informs your stylist as to your likes and dislikes, styles you would wear and would never wear, what you need the clothes for, your sizes, etc.  I was able to choose from a few options to indicate that this trunk was for a “wardrobe refresh.” I also sent a message saying specifically that I have many basics and casual clothes and that I was looking for items to fill in – something with color, something trendy, something that I wouldn’t necessarily think to buy, and something I can wear on the town (rather than in the minivan).

A few days after I ordered my trunk I got a message with the items that would be delivered to me. This is different from Stitch Fix which simply mailed out 5 items.  I wasn’t sure I liked the idea of getting the message ahead of time – after all – part of the fun of the whole thing is the surprise of opening up the box. After I saw the message I quickly changed my tune. First of all I didn’t realize there would be so many items in the trunk – 11! And I was able to decline more than half which were either not my style or something I just didn’t need.  I was specific when I declined each item as to the reason so that my stylist can understand what I’m looking for better. A few days later when I received notification that the trunk had shipped I was able to see what had been included in the end and I was excited – it all looked much better.

So yesterday. The trunk arrived and I was SO excited.  I don’t know what’s wrong with me when it comes to this stuff – I’m like a 12 year old at an *NSYNC concert 20 years ago (No idea who the 12 year olds are giddy over these days…) – I ran into the kitchen with my box and my husband was there to capture the moment:


The kids were upstairs having a bath so I had just enough time to open the box before they came down. First you see this:

IMG_20180219_165812Then you see this:

IMG_20180219_165903I even got as far as doing this:

IMG_20180219_170042and then the kids were downstairs screaming about who was the best listener during bath/who gets to choose the show/what’s for dinner/whatever.

I did a fashion show during dinner which I’ll take advantage of now since I’m pretty sure the four of them will burst into flames if I do that kind of thing when they’re older. I had a good time though so there’s that.  But I had to wait until this morning to try everything on in front of the mirror.  Here’s what I got:


Victor Silk Blouse rag & bone


Rumpled Satin Blouse Vince Camuto


Vanessa Zip Front Bouse rag & bone


Thatch Tank rag & bone


Ruffle Neck Blouse Wallis
Le Color High Waist Skinny Jeans FRAME


Classic Ex-Boyfriend Chambray Shirt Madewell
Paris Rocks Fringe Calfskin Suede Crossbody Bag Longchamp


Cherita Off the Shoulder Top Paige Denim + ‘Bridget 33’ Bootcut Jeans DL1961 + Cling Stretch Bootie Stuart Weitzman

I wish I knew how to behave when taking pictures of myself.  Do I smile? How do I position my feet? My legs? My arms? My hair? My eyes? Literally every part of my body I scrutinize before taking the picture and still these are the poses and facial expressions I end up with. I ask you.

Well it’s safe to say I’m screwed. I loved everything in the box. It is all right on target in terms of my style and what I asked for.  I could pick any one of these shirts to wear out to dinner, the bootcut jeans would be a great alternative to the skinny jeans I have, the boots are beautiful and fit like a glove.  I mean I don’t know when I’ve tried on shoes that went on easier and felt better to wear in recent history.  The black jeans with all the rips are not something I would typically try on but I have to admit I loved them.  My kids were like – wait a second – your jeans are broken.  And I was like – no that’s actually how they are supposed to be.  It’s called fashion.  They were like – they were MADE that way? But I digress. The bag – I LOVE the bag.  In fact that whole outfit I put together with the chambray top, black jeans and bag – I’m a little bit obsessed with it.

But I really studied each item and had to decide whether it was really worth it.  These brands – rag & bone, Paige Denim, Stuart Weitzman, Longchamp – I mean this stuff is not cheap.  If I bought the whole box I was looking at over $2500! I’m pretty sure I could go back in and alter my profile to receive things at a more reasonable price point (and, by the way, a few of the items were definitely reasonable) but I really wanted to get super nice things.  So I said okay, if I’m going to spend $350 on a shirt it better be the nicest shirt I’ve ever worn and also the most practical and flattering.  It should tick all the boxes.  And I found that with that criteria I was able to knock out a few things right away.  I love the rag & bone tops – the long sleeve silk one from the first picture is beautiful but just doesn’t fit right. The Zip Front blouse is so pretty and different but again – it just didn’t feel or look exactly right when I lifted my arms or put up my hair or any number of other actions I do to determine how the sleeves of any given shirt fit.

The Boots are beautiful but completely impractical.  I’m not buying black suede boots nearing the end of winter, right before the rainy season, for bust out retail.  And that’s the OTHER thing.  I love these boxes.  I think it’s so much fun to look through it all and try it on.  But if I’m going to buy a Madewell shirt, shouldn’t I just go to Madewell and wait for a sale?

The bootcut jeans are cute but too big and too long. The Bag is gorgeous but again – a suede bag? I’m afraid I’ll spill something or mark it up with pen or it’ll rub against my jeans and get discolored.

I forgot to take individual pictures of the ripped up jeans and the off the shoulder top.  The jeans I’ve already said I love and the shirt I really liked too.  My husband liked that shirt the most so that’s always a no-brainer.  Unless I thought something was totally heinous, if he tells me something is his favorite or he absolutely loves something I’m going to get it.

Final verdict:

Victor Silk Blouse – return

Rumpled Satin Blouse – return (loved but too big and too see-through)

Vanessa Zip Front Blouse – return

Thatch Tank – return (not worth the money)

Ruffle Neck Blouse – undecided (inexpensive and a pop of color but not super exciting)

Chambray shirt – probably keep

Le Color High Waist Skinny Jeans – Keep

Bootcut Jeans – return

Off the shoulder top – keep

Cling Stretch Boots – return

Crossbody bag – probably return

All in all I am very pleased with Trunk Club and definitely feel like the stylist “gets me” better that the Stitch Fix stylist.  Whereas Stitch Fix was just ever so slightly wrong in some nameless way everything in this trunk right to a T. The question is – should I continue to do it? Or should I just walk into Nordstrom and go shopping every few months?

What do you think? Am I making the right decision? (It’s not too late – I have another 3 days to decide!)