What’s In My Purse?

Lately I’ve been exploring the world of designer totes.  This exploration has led me all over the internet to department store websites, small no-name brands I’ve never heard of but are obviously way cooler than anything I could pull off, and blogs.  Never before have I looked at purse blogs but it’s become a recent pastime and I’m fascinated. I particularly like that thing that people do where they lay out the contents of their bags really beautifully and talk about what’s inside.  Usually those things are other designer items like Chanel lipstick and a LV wallet and Prada sunglasses.  I’d love to be the person laying out the contents of her bag really neatly on a pristine background with perfect lighting.  But I realize that’s not me. I’m the slightly neurotic definitely harried mama of 4 kids 5 and under and the perfect What’s in my Purse? photo isn’t going to happen.  So I rely on the lens blur setting on my phone to create an artsy photo and I admit defeat when I realize I’ve been trying to drag the baby out of the frame for about 5 minutes but he desperately wants to eat that pack of Wet Ones and it’s just not going to happen. So here you have it – the dumped out contents of my beloved Petunia Pickle Bottom backpack.  5 and half years, 4 children and many diaper bags have proven to me that this is the best diaper bag around. It’s a backpack so it doesn’t keep slipping off my shoulder, it has a detachable changing pad, room for diapers, wipes, ointments, clothes, snacks, first aid things, my wallet, phone, keys, and so many other items.  You’ll have to take my word on that because when I dumped out my bag today I found practically none of that.  You’d think after 4 kids I’d be super organized and at least know how to pack a diaper bag.  You’d be wrong.

  1. 2 packs of gummies for potty bribing
  2. chocolate circles from Nikki at Tea and Sympathy – given to the kids for being well-behaved
  3. disinfectant wipes
  4. au bon pain receipt from my “light” breakfast run after a very long eyebrow wax last week (not sure if you can see how one breakfast per day is not enough for this lady – in addition to coffee I had a cinnamon scone and spinach and artichoke souffle that day)*
  5. a troll because…a troll
  6. hat and mittens
  7. doctor’s notes from S’s 9 month visit
  8. forms for nursery school fundraiser I thought I’d lost
  9. 3 tampons
  10. Ziploc bag from airplane (from Disney trip – got back 3 weeks ago)
  11. travel sized sunscreen (Disney – 3 weeks ago)
  12. lone baby sock
  13. dirty tissue
  14. baby pants
  15. 1 pen
  16. 1 almond
  17. 1 quarter
  18. 1 hair clip
  19. name and number for potential babysitter I probably won’t call
  20. things so that magic bands wouldn’t fall off at Disney World (3. weeks. ago.)
  21. some other Disney paper I haven’t thrown away (sigh.)

What’s not in my bag?

  1. my wallet – oops. realized the other day when I got to the doctor and couldn’t tip the valet 😦
  2. diapers or wipes or almost anything that would help me in any situation I find myself in regularly during daily travel with 3 children and a baby

*I wrote that whole thing admitting to my two breakfast day and just realized this is an au bon pain receipt but the post-wax breakfasts run was at Panera.

So what’s in your diaper bag?